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Keelboat 2 (ASA 102)
Private Instruction

Keelboat 2 (ASA 102)
Private Instruction

Keelboat 2 is a deep-dive into all the boat-handling skills we introduce in 101, and a few brand new concepts as well. You’ll learn to put a sailboat exactly where you want it, when you want it there, and at the proper speed to get the job done and look like a pro while doing it. So if you’re ready to uplevel your skills, make your boat go fast, and have a blast doing it, sign up today to be among the first to try out ASA’s great new course!

Keelboat 2
(ASA 102)

Private Sailing Course
from $1990
  • All taxes and docking fees
  • Vessel & Personal Safety Equipment
  • ASA materials and certification
  • Gratuity

When and Where:

12 hours divided into three 4-hour lessons, scheduled at your convenience.

Our sailing lessons depart from Pier 25 Marina in Tribeca.

What you'll learn:

  • Advanced  terminology
  • Advanced Sailing theory (angle of attack, sail depth, twist)
  • Correcting weather helm
  • “Perfect” tacks & jibes
  • Rudderless sailing
  • Mooring under sail
  • Adjusting weight distribution for efficiency & speed
  • Backwards sailing
  • …And more!

Successful Completion Prepares You To:

Skipper and crew aboard a sloop-rigged keelboat of approximately 20 to 30 feet in length by day in winds up to 20 knots. Depart, sail, and return with control, confidence and efficiency.